I don't know about you... But I do enough of these commercial detergents.
I find them to be super expensive and on top of that they contain a whole bunch of products that end up irritating my sensitive skin!
Solvents, chemical agents, texture agents, perfume etc...
A beautiful, very chemical cocktail! Not to mention that they pollute the environment...
So, I looked for a homemade laundry detergent recipe. Not easy... But I ended up finding the best detergent recipe.
Why the best? Because it's simple to make, contains few ingredients and is 100% natural.
Of course, it is super economical, efficient and zero waste.
Here is the recipe for homemade detergent with Marseille soap, tested and approved . Watch:
- 2 heaped tablespoons baking soda
- 1 heaped tablespoon of soda crystals
- 50 g Marius Fabre Marseille soap bar
- a few drops of lavender essential oil
- 2 x 500ml water
- 1 liter glass bottle
- 1 pan
- 1 salad bowl of more than 500 ml
- 1 measuring cup
- 1 funnel
- 1 cheese grater
1. Grate the Marseille soap with the cheese grater.
2. Heat the water without boiling it. It just needs to be warm.
3. Pour the grated Marseille soap into the water and stir until completely dissolved.
4. Pour 500 ml of water at room temperature into a bowl.
5. Add the baking soda and soda crystals and mix.
6. When the mixture is homogeneous, pour the contents of the bowl into the saucepan.
7. Mix well again with a wooden spoon.
8. Pour your detergent into your bottle using the funnel.
9. Add 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil (optional).
10. Let your laundry sit overnight.
There you go, you have made your own homemade detergent with Marseille soap :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
And super economical! Because with only 3 products, you can do at least a year of laundry. It's worth it!
And since we always use the same container each time, we avoid making plastic waste.
So it's a simple laundry detergent recipe, with few ingredients, no mercy on dirt and very gentle on your laundry and the planet.
When I told you that this detergent is perfect!
And thanks to the Marseille soap, it is very concentrated. No need to put a lot in each wash.
Yes, who says concentrated detergent, says savings!
To make a machine, the dosage is super simple.
Put 1 to 2 tablespoons of your homemade detergent in the tub of the washing machine.
It's up to you to adapt according to the size of the machine, the amount of laundry to be washed AND how dirty the clothes are.
So experiment a bit and adjust the doses.
Before using your detergent, remember to shake it well each time to mix it.
Another advantage, your detergent is multi-purpose, provided you choose a Marseille soap without glycerin.
It is therefore suitable for washing white laundry, colors and washable diapers too.
- As your detergent is very concentrated, it may separate into several phases. This is normal, because it would take a lot more water for the Marseille soap to dissolve completely and have a homemade detergent recipe that does not harden. But, suddenly, the detergent would be very diluted and therefore less effective. Too bad, isn't it? By making a very concentrated detergent, it is less homogeneous. And it will tend to solidify. It's not serious ! It is still just as effective. You just have to mix it well before using it. It then becomes homogeneous again. You can also lightly heat it to liquefy it.
- This detergent is perfect for washing white clothes. It is for nothing that our grandmothers used Marseille soap to wash their clothes. But to revive the whiteness of your laundry and especially your sheets, you can add a handful of sodium percarbonate to the drum of the machine. It is a powerful stain remover that will reactivate the whiteness of linen.
- However, this detergent is not recommended for delicate laundry, such as silk. Soda crystals are a very powerful natural product that can damage the fragile fibers of clothing. I recommend this detergent recipe for fragile and delicate laundry.
- Know that you can keep your laundry for a long time. None of the products that compose it can rotate. On the other hand, over time, baking soda and soda crystals can lose some of their effectiveness. That being said, you can easily keep it for 6 months without any problem!
Is your water hard? Then add a glass of white vinegar to the fabric softener compartment.
This allows you to have a softer laundry, because the vinegar rids it of traces of limescale.
And this simple gesture also maintains your machine by eliminating limescale. This prevents it from getting dirty too quickly.
On the other hand, avoid white vinegar for cloth diaper detergents.
Your laundry is homemade from natural products.
But beware, just because they are natural products does not mean that they are harmless.
It is therefore preferable to wear gloves and protective goggles when handling your products.
Also remember to install yourself in a ventilated room for the manufacture of your products so as not to inhale the powders.
- Marseille soap (green or white) is an ancestral product renowned for laundry. It guarantees a hypoallergenic detergent, without dyes, without additives and without perfume. It is 100% natural and biodegradable. It is palm oil and synthetic glycerin free. It is a multi-purpose cleaner that also has antibacterial qualities.
- Baking soda is an effective multi-purpose cleaner. It is also antibacterial. It reinforces the action of the detergent, sanitizes the laundry and restores its shine. It also neutralizes persistent bad odors (pee, vomit...). It is gentle on the skin and does not cause allergies or irritation.
- Soda crystals complete the action of bicarbonate. It reduces the limescale deposit in the linen and restores its shine.
- Lavender essential oil brings a touch of discreet and flowery fragrance to your laundry. Perfect for having a homemade detergent that smells good!