Is your Tupperware stained with tomato sauce?
And you can't get it back despite cleaning?
Nothing worse than tomato sauce to stain a plastic food container!
Fortunately, there is a magic trick to detach a Tupperware without attacking with chemicals.
The simple and natural trick is to use lemon juice and baking soda . Watch:
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon baking soda
- 1 sponge with an abrasive side
1. Sprinkle the baking soda at the bottom of the box.
2. Pour the lemon juice.
3. Let it foam a little.
4. Rub gently with the sponge on the abrasive side.
5. Fill the box with water.
6. Leave on overnight.
And There you go ! Your Tupperware stained with tomato sauce is just a bad memory :-)
Easy, natural and economical, right?
Your plastic box is now nickel chrome.
It's an ultra pro trick to remove a stain of encrusted tomato sauce!
No more cracra marks and the Tupperware that sticks!
It's still better than having food that smells of tomato...
And it also works for traces of mold.
Baking Soda and Lemon form a reaction that will loosen the tomato residues in the can.
They also disinfect, degrease and deodorize Tupperware.
And thanks to the sponge you clean the food box thoroughly.
In addition, you remove at the same time bad odors encrusted, such as plastic odors.