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How to remove candle wax from a tablecloth (WITHOUT leaving traces).

How to remove candle wax from a tablecloth (WITHOUT leaving traces).

Wax got on the tablecloth during a candlelight dinner?

It often happens at Christmas when we have decorated the table.

The problem is that candle wax is particularly tough to remove!

In addition, it often leaves a beautiful greasy and colored stain on the fabric...

Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick for removing candle wax from a tablecloth without leaving traces.

The trick is to use a hair dryer and white vinegar . Watch:

How to remove candle wax from a tablecloth (WITHOUT leaving traces).

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

What you need

How to remove candle wax from a tablecloth (WITHOUT leaving traces).

- hair dryer

- absorbent paper

- absorbent cloth

- white vinegar

- hot water

- cloth

How to

1. Soften the wax by heating it with the hair dryer.

How to remove candle wax from a tablecloth (WITHOUT leaving traces).

2. Dab with paper towel to remove as much wax as possible.

How to remove candle wax from a tablecloth (WITHOUT leaving traces).

3. Mix equal parts water and white vinegar.

4. Soak the absorbent cloth with this mixture.

5. Rub the stain with the soaked cloth.

6. Dry the area with the dry absorbent cloth.

7. Machine wash the tablecloth as usual.


And There you go ! The wax stain on your beautiful tablecloth has completely disappeared :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

And you don't even need to buy stain remover!

You can also use an iron to warm up the wax.

The stain does not leave greasy and colored marks on the fabric.

This trick works for all types of tablecloth:cotton, polyester and linen.

Why does it work?

By heating the stain with the hair dryer, the wax will start to melt.

It is therefore easier to remove it from the fibers of the tablecloth.

Sopalin absorbs all wax residue, even those embedded in the fabric.

White vinegar degreases and detaches the fabric without using chemicals.