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My Grandmother's Thing Against Fridge Smells.

My Grandmother s Thing Against Fridge Smells.

Before my fridge always smelled bad...

As soon as I opened the door, it was an infection all over the house!

So much so that I was ashamed to open it when guests were at my house...

Fortunately, I discovered a simple and effective grandmother's trick to eliminate foul odors from the fridge.

And no need to buy a fridge air freshener! This stuff is much more economical.

The anti-odor trick is to put a cup of baking soda on a refrigerator shelf. Watch:

My Grandmother s Thing Against Fridge Smells.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

How to

1. Pour baking soda into a small cup.

2. Place it on a shelf in the middle of the fridge.


There you go, thanks to the baking soda, you have eliminated the bad odors from the fridge :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

No more horrible sewage, stale, camembert, fish, shrimp or musty smells!

In addition, you are sure that your homemade air freshener is 100% natural.

Don't forget to change the baking soda regularly so that it continues to deodorize the fridge perfectly.

I advise you to change it once a month to keep it effective.

Why does it work?

Bicarbonate has a strong deodorizing power that sanitizes the refrigerator.

Thanks to its porous composition, it traps and neutralizes odors.

It also eliminates bacteria responsible for bad odors.

Remember to use a well-opened container so that the baking soda can act properly.