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Always Dirty Windows? THE Trick To Make Them Stay Impeccable 2 TIMES AS LONG!

Always Dirty Windows? THE Trick To Make Them Stay Impeccable 2 TIMES AS LONG!

The more windows in a house, the more natural light coming in!

But the problem is that the windows get dirty quickly...

There are indeed special products for windows on the market, but they are overpriced and sometimes leave traces.

Fortunately, there is a super effective recipe to keep your windows spotless for 2 times longer.

Don't worry, this homemade cleanser is super easy and quick to make!

It's ready in less than 2 minutes and leaves no trace. Watch:

Always Dirty Windows? THE Trick To Make Them Stay Impeccable 2 TIMES AS LONG!

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Bonus tip

What you need

- demineralised water

- methylated spirit

- lemon essential oil

- spray bottle

How to

1. Fill the spray 90% with demineralized water.

2. Add 10% methylated spirit.

3. Put 10 drops of lemon essential oil.

4. Shake well to mix the ingredients.

5. Spray this solution on the windows.

6. Wipe with a clean cloth.


Always Dirty Windows? THE Trick To Make Them Stay Impeccable 2 TIMES AS LONG!

There you go, your windows will now stay spotless twice as long :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

And it only takes 2 min to make this homemade cleanser!

You will see, no more trace on your windows, they will be completely transparent.

As a result, the light enters the house better and you can switch on the light later than usual.

As a result, you also save electricity.

Bonus tip

Are your windows really very dirty? Don't panic!

To clean them effortlessly, just add a few drops of dish soap to this homemade recipe.

Spray your product on the dirty windows. Wipe clean and the windows are spotless!