A foul smell invades your kitchen? And you don't dare to invite your friends anymore?
Your trash can needs a little cleaning!
Don't panic, it happens when a liquid has flowed to the bottom of the trash can.
Fortunately, there is an economical and easy solution to get rid of those annoying odors.
The simple trick is to spray some vinegar water to clean your trash can. Watch:
1. Remove the bag from the trash.
2. Take a spray.
3. Fill it halfway with water.
4. Put white vinegar to the top of the spray.
5. Close it well.
6. Shake to mix.
7. Spray the inside of the trash can with vinegar water.
8. Let the trash can dry, open and upright.
9. Put on a new trash bag.
There you go, the smells are gone and won't come back :-)
You can breathe again when you throw something in the trash!
Your kitchen becomes a pleasant place to live. It's still cleaner that way, isn't it?
It's fast, efficient and inexpensive. And in addition, the vinegar will disinfect your trash.
White vinegar is a miracle product for the maintenance and cleaning of your home.
But you can also use it for the garden because it is a very good repellent.
To discover: If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.