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THE AMAZING Trick to Preserve Bananas WITHOUT them Turning Black.

THE AMAZING Trick to Preserve Bananas WITHOUT them Turning Black.

Tired of your bananas ripening too quickly?

It's true that bananas always turn black too quickly!

My kids love it so I always buy a big bunch of it.

Sometimes they gobble them up in a few days, and other times the bananas go down the drain and stay in the fruit basket...

And since they turn black, they don't want any more.

THE AMAZING Trick to Preserve Bananas WITHOUT them Turning Black.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

As I hate waste, I found a trick to keep bananas fresh longer.

The trick is to wrap the stem with cling film.

And it gives amazing results! Watch:

How to

1. Separate all bananas from the diet.

2. Take a piece of stretch plastic wrap.

3. Firmly surround the rods with the plastic so that it is airtight.

THE AMAZING Trick to Preserve Bananas WITHOUT them Turning Black.


And There you go ! With this trick, your bananas will keep much longer and without turning black :-)

They will still be nicely yellow 3 to 5 days longer than if you hadn't rolled them up.

Easy and economical, right? It's still better than having to throw bananas in the trash!

If you want to keep your bananas for up to 1 week, remember to wrap the cling film tightly on the stem. The tighter the better!

Why does it work?

Bananas, like many fruits, release a gas when ripening.

It is this gas that causes them to turn brown. And this gas escapes in particular through the stems.

Therefore, wrapping the bananas in plastic film slows down the ripening process.