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Bicarbonate:The Natural Fungicide Every Gardener Should Know.

Bicarbonate:The Natural Fungicide Every Gardener Should Know.

As the heat returns, fungi can proliferate in the garden and the vegetable garden.

Especially when the atmosphere is humid.

These fungi, such as mildew, powdery mildew, fusarium, settle on plants or flowers and cause them to die slowly.

Of course, there are plenty of products on the market to overcome it, but they are often expensive and full of harmful products.

Fortunately, there is a natural fungicide to easily get rid of fungi on plants.

The trick is to spray bicarbonate water directly on your plants . Watch:

Bicarbonate:The Natural Fungicide Every Gardener Should Know.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Additional tips

How to

1. Take an empty spray bottle.

2. Put a tablespoon of baking soda in 1 liter of water.

3. Spray generously on your plants.

4. Insist on the underside of the leaves.


And There you go ! With bicarbonate water, your plants are rid of fungi :-)

And this, without using harmful products! It's still better for your garden, isn't it?

This natural bicarbonate fungicide is safe neither for the environment nor for your children playing in the garden.

It works on green plants, flowers, roses, vegetables and fruits as well as houseplants.

In addition to being effective against fungi, this natural fungicide revives the colors of your decorative flowers.

Additional advice

Remember to repeat the operation 2 to 3 times a week. Know that this treatment is preventive but also curative.

It is also an insecticide against scale insects for example.

Remember to spray under the leaves , this is where mushrooms most often lodge to shelter from the rain.

Does your lawn need to find a very shiny green? Use the same trick, dosing more lightly (1 tbsp / liter of water).