When trying to lose weight, it happens to be hungry between meals .
It's the famous little craving that makes us relapse every time!
To resist the appeal of the cupboard and the pastries of the small corner bakery, there is a simple, natural and effective trick!
The secret is green tea, a natural and effective grandmother's appetite suppressant.
The liquid decreases the feeling of hunger, especially the tea.
So instead of your bottled water, drink good quality plain or flavored green tea like this.
Green tea is a super ally to resist small cravings easily.
As soon as you feel hungry between meals, drink some hot or iced green tea.
And you left to last a few more hours.
It really works:at 10 a.m. I'm often hungry, I drink my cup of tea, I hold out until lunch.
In addition to helping you eliminate toxins, caffeine will become your ally in overcoming slack.
With this, you will stop snacking and lose weight naturally and without mood swings or relapses!