You found the pillowcases...
But you are looking in vain for THE fitted sheet THAT GOES WITH IT?
What a waste of time ! It's a guaranteed nervous breakdown!
Fortunately, there is a grandmother's trick for easily storing and finding a bedding set.
No more wasting time finding a complete bedding set when changing your sheets!
From now on, everything will be stored in one place, thanks to this trick.
Tuck the fitted sheet, duvet cover, and pillowcase into a pillowcase. Watch:
1. Fold your fitted sheet.
2. Fold your duvet cover.
3. Fold one of the pillowcases.
4. Lay the 2nd pillowcase flat, opening facing you.
5. Slip in the folded sheet, duvet cover and pillowcase.
There you go, everything is in one place. You will be able to find your bedding easily :-)
Simple, practical and effective!
Thanks to this easy storage tip, you won't waste time looking for sheets.