Tired of flies flying around you at home?
Flies are particularly irritating and can ruin a lunch with friends.
So what to do to get rid of it?
Here's a trick I use to make them go away and not get overrun anymore.
The trick is to plant twenty cloves in an apple and place the apple in the middle of the table:
1. Take an apple.
2. Plant 20 to 30 cloves in the apple.
3. Place the apple in the middle of the table.
There you go, you've made the flies go away and you can eat quietly on the terrace :-)
You will be surprised by the effectiveness of this stuff and by the pleasant scent it gives off.
Here, there is no need to buy flytraps or insecticides, which should be avoided near food.
Of course, you can use this fly remedy all over the house, wherever you want to keep them away.