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Smart TVs are a growing security risk. How to deal with this?

“Your TV has been hacked.” Just a few years ago, this nonsensical statement would have been enough to confuse most of us. In addition to computers and mobile phones, you're telling me that my television Can it be hacked now, too? If you have a Smart TV, then yes, it can be hacked.

The good news is that it's not a rampant phenomenon...yet. However, the day will soon come when you may need to install anti-virus and anti-malware software on your TV to keep it safe. It sounds weird, I know, but don't put it off. Now is the best time to be educated and prepared.

What are smart TVs?

Smart TVs are a growing security risk. How to deal with this?

If you're panicking, stop and breathe for a second. You are only at risk of a pirated TV if you own and operate a Smart TV connected to the Internet. After all, television itself has been around for decades without much of a security issue. The risk only arises when internet connectivity is introduced.

What is a Smart TV? James was quite thorough with his description of Smart TV What is a Smart TV? 6 of the best on the market today What is a Smart TV? 6 of the best on the market today Most of the TVs you look at right now are smart TVs, but what is a smart TV and which ones are the best on the market right now? Read More In a nutshell, a Smart TV is the hybrid child of television and computer. You can browse the web, install and run apps, respond to voice commands, and more.

Again, let me repeat:Smart TVs are not inherently compromised in terms of security. You only need to worry if you have a Smart TV that is actively using the Internet. That last part is what matters..

What happens when a smart TV is hacked?

Smart TVs are a growing security risk. How to deal with this?

The biggest danger is that someone can spy on you. In light of the NSA PRISM scandal, what is PRISM? Everything you need to know What is PRISM? Everything you need to know The US National Security Agency has access to the data it stores with US service providers like Google Microsoft, Yahoo and Facebook. They're also likely monitoring most of the traffic flowing through the... Read More Perhaps it is fitting that the latest evolution in entertainment media continues to harbor those same risks.

Last year's Black Hat conference showed us that several Smart TV models have vulnerabilities that can be exploited in such a way that:

  • Cameras can be turned on and off.
  • Social applications, such as Facebook and Skype, can be taken.
  • You can access and modify files.

Throw a little malware into the mix and you'll start to see just how scary these vulnerabilities can be. And while there is potential for personal harm (corrupted files, broken TV, or social media scandals), perhaps worst of all is the constant fear of whether or not someone is watching you through the TV.

For those wondering if Smart TV viruses can spread:If you have some kind of contact information on your Smart TV and the virus gets a hold of it, yes, it can spread.

How can you prevent it?

Smart TVs are a growing security risk. How to deal with this?

Here's some silver lining. Despite the existence of vulnerabilities, no large worm has exploited them. It's hard to determine the best defense against an attack when the attack doesn't technically exist yet. However, security principles can be taken from elsewhere and applied here.

  • Stay up to date. Manufacturers will do their best to patch security holes, so it's in your best interest to stay up-to-date with the latest firmware. Try not to skip them unless you have a good reason to.
  • Use firewalls. Any device that connects to the Internet must be protected by a firewall and your Smart TV is no exception. For now, your best option is a router-based firewall and any built-in firewall settings your Smart TV may have.
  • Malware scans. This will depend on how advanced your Smart TV is, but if you have access to a malware scanner app, you should use it. Remember to keep it updated, too.
  • Camera security tactics can be taken from Webcam Security Methods Hack Attack:How To Keep Your Webcam Secure Online Peeping Toms Hack Attack:How To Keep Your Webcam Secure Online Peeping Toms What would you do if someone was in control of your webcam without your knowledge? Fortunately, there are ways to stay clean in front of these Toms. Read more . Always assume your camera is on and never do anything in front of it that you don't want accidentally streaming. If you're really paranoid, cover the Smart TV camera with a piece of tape.
  • Skip the Smart TV. When it comes to the last resort, you can always go for Smart TV and stick with a traditional TV.

Be vigilant and stay updated

As a result, the internet continues to prove to be one giant pain in the neck. Today constant vigilance is required, first with your computer, then with your mobile phone and now with your Smart TV. You're more susceptible when you let your guard down, so keep your eyes open.

Do you have a Smart TV? What do you know about these vulnerabilities? Is this enough to worry you or does it not faze you? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!