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Can smart home improvements increase your home's resale value?

Many people say moving to a new house Are you planning to buy a house? Use online maps to find the perfect location Planning to buy a home? Use the online maps to find the perfect location. They say moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do. One way to relieve some of the pressure is to use online maps to survey potential locations. Read More But according to the Holmes and Rahe stress scale, that's not strictly true. It's not even in the top 30 most stressful events.

So if you're about to move, relax. Just focus on getting as much money for your property as possible. Fortunately, there are many ways to add value to your home, even simple things like landscaping can add thousands of dollars.

But can technology also play a role? Can smart home upgrades increase your home's resale value? Let's take a closer look.

The pros of installing smart home devices for resale

Let's consider some of the less tangible arguments about installing smart home devices before selling your home.

For many people, smart home technology provides an instant "Wow" factor. In the same way that smart home technology can impress your friends, it can also influence potential buyers.

Imagine how enthralled most people would be with something as simple as a whole house wireless speaker system or smart lighting setup. Ultimately, smart homes are great.

Also, depending on where you live, there could be a growing expectation among buyers that homes should have smart devices.

In the same way that you wouldn't buy a house without a grid connection or running water, in a few years, you might think the same about smart security systems. How smart home security systems save money and keep you safe. Home security systems Save money and keep personalization safe Smart home security systems can protect you and your family and put you in control of exactly how you want to protect your home, for a fraction of the price of traditional security systems . Learn More and Garage Door Openers 4 Ways a Smart Garage Door Opener Will Simplify Your Life 4 Ways a Smart Garage Door Opener Will Simplify Your Life Garages are great and garage doors are frustrating. Smart garage door openers can help. Read more . Having the devices might not add value to your home, but not having them might decrease its value.

Lastly, setting up an entire smart home is expensive and time consuming. Even if they have an interest in smart home technology, many people don't have the time or money to start buying and installing endless devices. A ready-made smart home will attract those buyers.

Cons of installing smart home devices for resale

Smart home devices have no guaranteed selling points. There are some circumstances where they could work against you.

For example, what if the interested party is not technologically savvy? Or at least not interested in using technology to do mundane tasks like turning on the lights or setting off an alarm? Excessive technology in the home could be a major turnoff.

Similarly, problems could arise if the future owner has a lot of smart home devices that they are bringing with them. If his gadgets are of a higher quality than yours, see “cheap” or “old-fashioned.” Gadgets around the house could also be a blackout..

Lastly, the new owner may not have the right devices to use your gadgets. For example, if you've installed proprietary hardware that can only be accessed through an iOS app, but the new person uses Android, there will be difficulties.

Can smart home improvements increase your home s resale value?

Which devices should I install?

Generally speaking:the more impressive the device, the more reason to install it.

If you really want to make a difference in the value of your home, you need to think big. For example, solar panels offer state-of-the-art technology, are environmentally friendly, and will save you money on your electricity bill. 12 Solar Powered Products to help you lower your energy bill. 12 Solar Powered Products to Help You Reduce Your Energy. Billing these 12 solar-powered devices for home and personal use will help you reduce your energy bill and your reliance on fossil fuels, if only slightly. Read more . They are an instant selling point for a buyer.

The same goes for many other devices that are on the cusp of becoming mainstream 10 Future Technologies You'll See In Your Home In 3 Years 10 Future Technologies You'll See In Your Home In 3 Years What technology do experts think you'll be Do you have in your house at the end of the decade? I'm going to walk you through a typical day in the smart home of the future. Read more . You'll probably be using several of them for years to come; Installing them ahead of time will reap dividends.

Examples include pavement that generates power when you walk or drive, robotic kitchen helpers, and smart mirrors that recommend clothing and hairstyles based on the weather or current trends.

Which devices should you not install?

At the other end of the scale, you shouldn't expect to install a few Philips Hue lights and a smart security camera and suddenly add thousands to the value of your home. Many of these devices cost no more than a few hundred dollars; a buyer is not going to pay extra for them.

Even slightly more sophisticated equipment, like an integrated Sonos whole-home system, won't add thousands, but it will have more impact than technology that relies on hubs and apps to do routine tasks.

Also, remember not to install gadgets based on your personal preferences. While you may think smart locks provide time-saving benefits Everything you need to know before installing a smart lock Everything you need to know before installing a smart lock Smart locks are growing in popularity, but there are still many valid concerns about your safety. These are the facts you should know before making a purchase! Read More

Instead, focus on devices that offer something tangible to a buyer, and remember that tangible benefits almost always come back in money.

Take your smart home with you

You don't have to leave your smart home. Sure, it's unlikely you'll be bringing solar panels or an electricity-generating path to your new home, but you can easily bring many of your non-fixed devices, like smart lights and security cameras.

Since such devices have only a negligible impact on your property value, it may even save you money to bring everything with you. You won't need to buy everything like new a second time.

Before leaving home

Finally, if you're selling a fully-charged smart home, you need to take a few precautions before handing over the keys.

Be sure to remove any passwords, usernames, and personal information from your devices. This often involves performing a factory reset.

Also, remember to revoke any permissions the gadgets have with other apps. For example, maybe your Philips Hue system is connected to your Google and IFTTT accounts, or maybe your smart speakers are linked to your TV.

Bottom line: If you're leaving any technology behind, you need to remove any traces of connection between your old devices and your digital life.

Have you sold a smart home??

In an article like this, it's impossible for us to turn around and give you the expected returns and discuss how much a particular device could affect the value of your home. There are too many brands and too many variables for us to be precise.

Just be aware that these things often have a cumulative compounding effect. A home with smart lights. and a smart alarm and and smart cameras a smart garage door opener and smart technology outdoors and Some of the smart home items that command an impressive price tag will enjoy an increase in value greater than the sum of their parts.