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Why You Shouldn't Use a Ladder to Trim a Tree

Pruning a tree is a daunting task for Sunday pruners. The expression "to saw the branch on which one is sitting", which we owe to Molière, probably originated with an ambitious but clumsy gardener. This article will try to explain to you why you should not climb a ladder and how to prune a tree in these conditions.

Why you shouldn't climb a ladder and what you shouldn't do to your tree

As you can see in this video, the fall does not always come from where you expect it. To avoid falling from a ladder while pruning a tree with a chainsaw, you can harness yourself, hold the ladder, and even attach the ladder to the tree, or even take a more stable stepladder. But it is impossible to foresee everything.

Pruning a tree is done gently, otherwise the tree can be traumatized and resent you (see the video).
If you want to cut down a tree, take a professional pruner, it's less dangerous.

If you want to prune your tree to suit its environment (grumpy neighbors, low lane, power lines, etc.) or to give it a landscape shape, do it gently to prevent your tree from suffering. Don't believe this idea:"a good size will do him good". It's just the opposite.

Trimming hedges is not safer

Hedges can be up to two meters high (rarely more, at the risk of not complying with regulations, when they are located at the dividing line) and their size requires significant effort.

Again, do not climb a ladder to trim a hedge, or a stepladder. There is a real danger of ending up in hospital for not having taken the full measure of the risks involved. For acrobatics, leave it to the professionals.

To trim a hedge, it is not essential to climb in height. All you need is the right tools.

How to prune a tree or a hedge

To avoid having to climb trees or climb on a ladder or stepladder when trimming a tree or a hedge, you can equip yourself with telescopic fork equipment. You will be able to reach branches located 4 or 5 meters away without difficulty.

For that, here are our tips:

  • Equipped with a pruner, the telescopic pole will help you eliminate superfluous branches of small diameter (3 centimeters maximum).
  • Equipped with a saw, you can use it to remove larger branches, up to 20 centimeters.

The advantage of a telescopic pruner is that you can prune your trees yourself without going through a professional and without climbing a ladder.

The best way to prune a tree

As mentioned above, it's best to let your trees grow on their own, as long as they don't cause inconvenience to neighbours, traffic or power lines. Because the tree, after pruning, will exhaust itself "rebuilding itself". And then any cut part is susceptible to disease infection.

As for the season conducive to pruning, when it is absolutely necessary, it is better to avoid cutting the tree when it is in the process of evolution (appearance of leaves in spring and fall of leaves in autumn) . In order not to be mistaken, it is better to wait until winter, when all the leaves have fallen and the sap has come down.

Ban drastic, "cat's head" sizing. These cuts are no longer fashionable and destabilize the tree, affecting it in all its solidity. Always remember that if you cut down a tree too much, you put its health and balance at risk.