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Installing a skylight:everything you need to know

Installing a skylight:everything you need to know

When you decide to transform the attic into living space, the installation of roof windows is in most cases essential, to enjoy daylight and be able to ventilate. Find in this small file all the answers to your questions.

The price of a skylight

To know the price for installing a skylight and thus benefit from the most competitive price, you must have several quotes on hand. To do this, multiply the estimates with many craftsmen. What's more, you don't have to travel as you can do all your formalities online. Take the time to compare them and then choose the most interesting offer.

Nevertheless, beware of proposals that are too cheap. By favoring them, you risk dealing with still inexperienced craftsmen. Even if it means paying more, it is better to call on service providers who already have experience and recognized know-how. With that, you will at least have the assurance of a job well done. Now, regarding the cost of this intervention, the price will vary depending on several parameters.

The location of the skylight, or its type of opening or its dark curtain, for example, will thus be taken into account. Otherwise, to give you an idea of ​​the budget, the service of a professional will vary between 200 to 1000 €. As for the price of roof windows, depending on whether they are models with a rotating or projection opening, the prices - excluding installation - will vary from €250 for the basic small format model to more than €700 for a large opening of good quality.

The craftsman who can fit a skylight

Many constraints must be respected when setting up this skylight, to mention only the weather, for example. And that's not to mention the necessary, but above all adequate, tools and equipment. Of course, being a seasoned handyman, you are probably tempted to take care of it yourself. But this initiative is totally discouraged, unless you have notions of carpentry and carpentry.

And even if you are a DIY ace, climbing on roofs is very dangerous. It only takes a few seconds of inattention for the unthinkable to happen. Instead, call on a professional, even more so if it involves the creation of new openings. Here the task will be even more complex since it is necessary to create the opening to the exact dimensions of the roof windows.

Installing a skylight:everything you need to know

It is then necessary to create the header in the frame of the roof so that the skylights can finally be installed and fixed definitively. In addition, when installing them, it is essential to ensure that they are perfectly sealed to prevent the infiltration of rainwater and air. Note also that for the room to be livable and comfortable, the new skylights must be well insulated.

Legislation and regulations

Before incurring the expense, check with your town hall, because a declaration of work is often mandatory for the replacement or installation of a skylight. And for people who live in co-ownership, obtaining the agreement of the other owners is also essential from the moment the modifications change the exterior appearance of the building. And this, even if the skylight is in the private part and not in the common area.

In addition, in the event of joint ownership, it is also important to have the approval of its neighbors since a minimum distance of 1.90 meters for oblique views must be observed and 0.60 meters for direct views. To conclude, the windows must comply with European Community standards.