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Which cat door to choose for the comings and goings of your cat?

Which cat door to choose for the comings and goings of your cat?

The cat is a pet that needs to come and go as it pleases. This is why installing a cat flap in his house is a good solution to give him his freedom, but also you avoid having to constantly open the door for him yourself. There are different types of cat flaps and it is essential to take certain criteria into account before choosing one. Our advice for choosing the cat flap that best suits your cat's comings and goings.

Why install a cat flap?

The cat is a pet that loves its freedom. He needs to be able to move around easily, whether inside a home or outside. If you want to allow your cat to come and go independently, installing a cat flap is essential.

The choice of a cat door must first imperatively take into account the morphology of your cat so that it can very easily use this small door which is intended for it and which facilitates its comings and goings. A cat flap is usually installed in the middle of the door, at a height of about 15 cm from the ground to facilitate the passage of your cat.

Then it's up to you to determine how much freedom of movement you want your cat to have. Indeed, there are different types of cat flap that give your pet the possibility of either being able to enter and leave a room or a house alone, or only go out or enter inside your home. To know:the use of a cat flap is not obvious at first for your pet. You must teach him to pass the door by leaving it open and placing treats on the opposite side, for example.

Other models of cat flaps are equipped with automatic locking, while others offer manual closing, when you do not want your cat to use this possibility of passage at certain times of the day.

When you choose a cat flap, take care to check several points:first that the materials it is made of are solid and resistant to the untimely comings and goings of your cat, as well as to the vagaries of the weather since this equipment is most often installed on the front door of the house; also be careful that the cat flap door is not too noisy.

Cat flaps are simple to install because they adapt easily to all kinds of doors, whether they are PVC, wood, or take the form of a French window for example.

The different types of cat flap

After taking into account the different criteria that will help you choose a cat flap, as well as the precautions to take, you will have the choice between different types of cat flaps available on the market.

The manual cat flap

The manual cat flap is the simplest model on the market. It takes the form of a simple door, more precisely a small leaf, equipped with a manual locking system that you will have to handle yourself if you do not want the cat flap to be usable at certain times of the day. the day.

This is the basic model of pet door:it is easy to use and its price is not high. Disadvantage:this cat door leaves your pet free to come and go, but also gives this possibility to all other cats...!

The magnetic or electronic cat flap

The magnetic or electronic cat flap is more expensive than a manual cat flap but it has many advantages. In particular, that of only allowing your cat to come and go freely outside and inside your house. Indeed, this type of cat flap is equipped with a recognition system either in the form of infrared or magnetic equipment.

With an electronic cat flap, you must wear a collar equipped with a sensor or chip (infrared or magnetic) for your cat that allows you to recognize your pet. Thus, only he will have the ability to open or close your cat flap when he approaches it.

Some models of electronic cat flaps even allow you to program the opening and closing times of this equipment yourself if, for example, you do not want your cat to go out at night, but give him the possibility of escaping the early in the morning, even if you haven't woken up yet.