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purslane, for life?

Question from a user :My vegetable garden is overrun with purslane and I don't know how to get rid of it!

Purslane is an annual plant which reproduces by seed, which likes cultivated fields, orchards and gardens, as well as roadsides. It is mainly found in the south of France or in certain micro-climates.

It indicates a soil with very low water retention capacity, eroded, leached, and left bare without protection. It can come from anywhere, even manure (seeds contained in the straw)

In your case, I imagine that your vegetable garden is in sandy or very clayey soil, and/or very watered and therefore very compacted. It is an interesting ground cover plant from this point of view. Purslane works the soil to decompact it, and prevents the arrival of other weeds which may be even more troublesome.

What to do :

In conclusion to avoid being invaded:Do not leave the bare ground (cultivation, green manure, mulching, etc.) Do not let the plantgrain . Add organic matter such as compost .

To know :purslane is eaten raw or cooked, is mineralizing, anti-scorbutic, softening, diuretic. In addition, it treats respiratory and digestive irritations, iron and vitamin A, B, C deficiencies.

And if frankly it still bothers you, there is still the smile...

purslane, for life?