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These household chores have unexpected health benefits

Not everyone enjoys household chores – that's a given. But what if you knew there were more benefits to them than just making your home look better? When you realize that these simple tasks have unexpected health benefits, you will look very differently at your daily or weekly to-do list.

1. Making the bed
Studies have shown that those who make their bed every morning start their day with increased productivity and a greater sense of well-being. Also, these people tend to feel more calm and energetic during the day, rather than tired. Leaving the bed unmade can cause unnecessary stress in your day.

2. Working in the garden
People who regularly work in the garden have about a 30 percent lower risk of having a heart attack or stroke, compared to those who sit more. And a chemical is released in freshly cut grass that puts people in a good mood and makes them feel relaxed. Also, nature can help to reduce the symptoms of depression. A study of people diagnosed with various forms of depression found that symptoms improved markedly by gardening for about six hours a week.

3. Washing dishes
Dishwashing has the ability to reduce nervousness by nearly 30 percent. While washing dishes, someone focuses on the scent of the soap, the temperature of the water, and touching the dishes. This is calming. Washing dishes doesn't take much concentration, so the mind is free to wander while the hands are busy.

4. Cleaning the bathroom
A bathroom is the ideal place to grow harmful bacteria. When you clean it regularly, the risk of illness decreases; the bacteria can't spread further to places like the toilet and your toothbrush. Regular cleaning also prevents mold growth, which becomes more difficult to remove the longer you leave it on.

5. Cleaning up the kitchen
A study has shown that people with extremely cluttered homes are about 77 percent more likely to be overweight, if not obese. This is because it is more difficult to make healthy choices in a messy kitchen.

6. Vacuuming Vacuuming for 30 minutes can have the same benefits as exercising for 15 minutes. But you should vacuum the whole house in one go, instead of tackling a room each time. The movements you do with vacuuming are not only ideal for your arms, but also for your core and legs due to the push and pull movements.