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12 indoor plants that are super easy to maintain!

Tired of a lifeless interior? Painting, frames and pretty furniture are not everything and an adorable plant in a corner of your arrangement also brings a lot to your decoration.

Adopt a plant for a lively decorative touch

The majestic bouquet of cut flowers that sits in the center of your table unfortunately only lasts a short time... Fortunately, the lifespan of plants is much longer than that of your wilted sheaf.
Houseplants , in addition to sprucing up your rooms, canreduce stress physiological and psychological. Adding a little green also helps to purify the air in your home by filtering out everyday pollutants.

Plants that require little maintenance

But let's face it, most of us are not plant and botanical experts. and have no idea where to start. In general, we are used to going to garden centers or at aflorist and buy anything that looks pretty, on a whim. It's then, when we get home that we reflect and realize that this purchase might not have been the brightest idea of ​​the day.
For many of us, our first plant may seem like a huge burden, an extra chore rather than a source of pleasure.
Before you start adopting a plant, assess your space and once you have identified the places that can accommodate plants , consider your climate, the brightness of your interior and the orientation of your windows. The answers will help you determine what types of plants can thrive in your cozy nest. And good news, not all indoor plants require a green thumb nature and a master's degree in plant sciences.

Philodendron will show ,Bird's Nest Fern and other succulents won't blame you if you sometimes forget to water them. Just place them in adequate light and respect their temperature preferences to see them grow and flourish naturally. Find out about the possible toxicity of these plants and make sure they are compatible with your surroundings before decorating your living room with them.

Are you already taking good care of yourself? Pamper and watch over your new indoor plants guaranteed without the fuss.

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