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The Secret to EASILY Peeling Wallpaper.

The Secret to EASILY Peeling Wallpaper.

Want to peel off wallpaper in your home.

But you don't have a steamer?

Peeling it off by hand is far from always easy.

The paper may tear. Not to mention the time it takes...

Looking for a trick to easily peel off your wallpaper in no time?

Fortunately, there is a trick to peel off any type of wallpaper quickly.

The secret trick is to use soda crystals. Watch:

The Secret to EASILY Peeling Wallpaper.


- Soda crystals

- A bucket

- A pair of gloves

- A large sponge

How to

The Secret to EASILY Peeling Wallpaper.

1. Put water in a bucket.

2. Put on your gloves.

3. Add two to three tablespoons of soda crystals.

4. Mix well.

5. Apply to wallpaper with a large sponge.

6. Wet the wall well and leave to act for ten minutes.

7. Pull the wallpaper.


And There you go ! You peeled off your wallpaper easily and quickly :-)

You will see... The wallpaper comes by itself! No need to scratch for hours to remove wallpaper.

Some wallpapers sometimes have a finish that makes them less absorbent.

In this case, repeat the operation to overcome it.

Warning: handling soda crystals requires wearing gloves throughout the operation.

Your turn...

Have you tried this easy wallpaper peeling trick? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!