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An Incredible Grandma's Remedy For The Flu.

An Incredible Grandma s Remedy For The Flu.

Flues, colds and other cold snaps have not said their last word.

Fortunately, there is a grandmother's remedy to get rid of it.

To be taken as soon as you are getting sick!

This natural remedy is incredible and effective in curing cold snaps.

To treat yourself without medication, only a glass of champagne is enough.

It's not me who says it, but Henry Puget, a doctor specializing in natural remedies.

The recipe is quite simple. Watch:

An Incredible Grandma s Remedy For The Flu.

How to

1. Pour yourself a glass of champagne in a saucepan.

2. Add 2 sugar cubes.

3. Let it heat until simmering.

4. Let cool. Don't burn yourself and wait until it's cold to drink it.

5. Drink the magic potion before going to bed.

6. Don't forget to cover yourself well at night. Put on 2 good blankets to sweat well and evacuate toxins.


There you go, the flu is over!

Thanks to this grandmother's remedy, you cured the flu naturally :-)

Simple, practical and effective! No medicine needed!

This surprising remedy is ideal for treating a flu-like state.

Especially if you take this remedy at the first symptoms.

Why it works

The mixture of champagne and sugar will make you sweat a lot all night.

When you wake up, the toxins will be gone, just like the start of your cold.

If you don't have champagne at home, it also works with a grog. Read the tip here.

And if you have a sore throat, we also have a remedy;-)