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25 Tips You Must Read Before You Die.

25 Tips You Must Read Before You Die.

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Don't panic, here are my top 25 site tips, to help you catch up!

Picking 25 tips out of over 2000 was no easy feat, trust me.

Between the recipes, grandmother's natural tips, tips for saving and travel tips, I spent almost all night there.

Eventually, I managed to find the top of the top. Come on, drive:

25. My 5 tips to get rid of the smell of tobacco in my apartment . Yes, because I often have guests and at the end of the evening, the smell is infernal.

24. Smelly shoes? My trick to get rid of bad odors . I could never bear my shoes smelling musty but as it often happens to me, I found the solution.

23. Enjoy cheap train tickets with Prem's . We too often forget how pleasant traveling by train is and with Prem's it can also be cheap.

22. How to have beautiful buttocks? Ha ha, this one I don't even need to explain to you why I chose it. I'll let you take a look at it, over here.

21. Vélib' fares are cheaper for those under 26 . Because I'm a Vélib' addict and because it allows me to get home at any time, especially when the metro is closed.

20. 3 dangers of Coca Cola for health . I rarely drink Coke and even less since I discovered what Coke can do to my health.

19. Buying cheap organic is possible by following my advice . So there, if after this trick I am told that organic is expensive, my name is more Honoré de Backpack.

18. Cottage cheese cheesecake recipe. Mmm too good! I've always been completely addicted to cheesecake, especially when it's homemade.

17. Shopping at the market around 1 p.m. with friends. When I was younger that was how I got food almost every Saturday. Now I've calmed down a bit, but it's still a great plan. The proof.

16. Why install solar panels? That's true, why? But because it's much cheaper, of course!

15., for free show and theater tickets . I use it almost every week and I must have discovered about fifty new artists this way.

14. The bento box, a clever and inexpensive tip for lunch . With the bento box, lunches are cheaper, better and so much cuter! Thanks to the Japanese people.

13. The 4 ingredients to boost your libido . Yes, that's important too, name name! It's here for a properly boosted libido.

12. My 5 girly tips for having a nice chest . That's like the butt thing, I don't need to explain. I'll let you get an idea, here's the link.

11. How to hitchhike to travel cheaper . This trick is really close to my heart because I hitchhike every 4 mornings and it's still great. Basically, I'm hitchhiking non-stop (ha ha, yes it's funny).

10. My heating is more economical with aluminum foil . Here is one of the best ways to save on your heating bill. Naturally this trick had to be in my top 25.

9. Baking soda for white teeth . Baking soda is the best ally of the smart ones, especially the smart ones who want to have white teeth.

8. Reduce your food budget with my 3 smart tips . This trick has served me quite well lately, I would have been very ungrateful not to include it in this ranking. Here's why.

7. The wwoofing to travel green and cheap. Wwoofing is one of my favorite tips for reducing your travel bill as much as possible. To try it is to adopt it.

6. Make your own yogurt at home . Because this trick is still super cute. I imagine you preparing your little yogurts with your little utensils, and that makes me laugh. So here it is.

5. Do you want to make cardboard furniture yourself? Anaïs' sister has made it her job and it's still super zouli zouli, all these little pieces of cardboard furniture.

4. How I get rid of bad toilet odors in 30 seconds . And to think that with a simple match, you avoid smoking your friends when you leave the toilet...

3. Couchsurfing for cheap travel is smart and effective . How not to include my cherished, adored, favorite traveler site in this top 25? Quickly check out this trick.

2. White vinegar to properly clean your refrigerator . In fact, I chose this tip at random among many others on white vinegar to show you how great this product is and can help you in multiple tasks of daily life. In-dis-pen-sand!

1. Ride a bike instead of a car in town . Because that's my philosophy, baby!

And there you have it, I hope that among these 25 tips you will find what you are looking for.

Otherwise, I'm waiting for your contributions so that we can all continue to find great tips from clever ecologists! For now, the comments are waiting for you!