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A rust stain on a garment?

A rust stain on a garment?

Here's a super simple grandma trick to get rid of a rust stain easily in seconds!

For this, you need 2 ingredients:a lemon and coarse salt.

Proceed as follows:

- First, cut the lemon in half and rub the stain with the inside of the half lemon.

- Next, place the coarse salt on the stain and rub the fabric with it.

This old-fashioned trick for removing rust is particularly effective, even on white clothes.

Do you have any other tips for tackling tough stains? Feel free to leave them in the comments!


No need to pick up from noon to two o'clock, or to use household products that would damage your laundry.

By using natural and inexpensive products such as lemon and coarse salt, you will save a lot of money.

Useful for your wallet and also for your clothes, our grandmother's tips are always practical.