Tired of having a dirty terrace?
It's true that on sunny days, we all want to spend time with our friends.
And of course, what could be better than a beautiful terrace to enjoy these good moments of relaxation.
The problem is that bad weather and nuisances of all kinds make these surfaces very dirty.
So a good cleaning of the floor is essential. A good cleaning yes,but above all without chemicals!
How are you going to tell me?
Well today I'm explaining to you how to properly clean your blackened terraces with nothing but natural techniques.
I do this once a year and my terrace is nickel chrome!
Discover 5 natural tips for Easily clean any type of terrace without chemicals. Watch:
To clean your stained, blackened and moss-filled terrace, you think there's nothing better than using a Karcher.
Passing water at high pressure, it can't hurt! Well, think again...
This process actually creates, over time, microcracks on the surfaces.
The protective layers disintegrate and this damages your beautiful terrace.
Take a tiled terrace for example.
And running the karcher over it deteriorates the enamel and makes the joints porous.
It's the same for reconstituted stone terraces and concrete floors.
Waterproofing layers are heavily damaged and cracks crack when winter comes.
So high pressure cleaning is to be avoided .
This process is only to be used if you have a cleaning emergency.
A big stain to remove quickly before the arrival of your guests for example.
Otherwise, only use the natural methods below.
Many terraces have a tile covering.
That's good, because this material is super easy to clean.
- If your floor is not too dirty:
Cleaning with a push broom and a solution of water, baking soda and black soap is enough.
In 1 L of water, pour 1 cup of baking soda and add the indicated proportion of black soap.
You just have to rinse with vinegar water (1 glass of household vinegar per liter of water).
This prevents mold from returning.
- If your floor is very dirty:
The solution to adopt in this case is simple:make a mixture of 50% water + 50% baking soda.
The mixture then creates a sort of paste that must be applied using the push broom.
Scrub the entire surface vigorously and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Natural stones give a particular cachet to the terraces.
In addition to being pretty, they are above all very resistant.
This does not mean that you still have to take care of them to keep them in perfect condition.
But before cleaning them, observe 2 important rules.
Already, do not clean under a blazing sun!
Under the effect of the sun, the products used could indeed dry too quickly and leave marks on the stones.
Then, do not apply any bleach!
Its very basic pH has the effect of loosening the stones and killing the surrounding plants.
- If your terrace is not too dirty:
In a bucket, mix one part water with baking soda.
Scrub the terrace with this solution with a push broom then rinse with cold water.
And even if it means using baking soda, don't forget to sprinkle some on the weeds.
This allows to slow down their regrowth and make them disappear !
Alternatively, dilute 1 tablespoon of black soap for 2 L of water.
Take your push broom and scrub your terrace with this mixture so that the stones regain their beautiful appearance.
Finally, in case of grease stains, apply this trick.
- If your terrace is very dirty:
Do you know soda crystals?
Like bicarbonate, it is a very powerful white powder that cleans perfectly.
Mix 1 cup of soda crystals for 1 L of water and scrub the tiles with a push broom.
Your terrace will then become shiny and shiny again.
Ah yes, just one last thing.
These products may be 100% ecological, but their neutral pH can cause irritation.
So remember to put on gloves before handling them.
As bricks are by nature very porous, be aware that this material gets dirty and stains quite quickly.
Luckily, they're easy to clean on the cheap.
- If your terrace is not too dirty:
In a bucket filled with water, mix 1 cup of baking soda with a few drops of black soap.
Scrub the deck with a push broom with this solution.
- If your terrace is very dirty:
If your terrace is very dirty, use a solution based on water and soda crystals.
Impregnate the broom well with this mixture and rub the entire surface with it.
Be careful, the bricks being relatively fragile, take it easy when cleaning the floor.
The hard bristles of the push broom could indeed damage your brick patio.
Finally, very dirty or not, you have to finish the washing operation with water and a mop.
And yes, cleaning a brick terrace and restoring its shine is painstaking work!
Bad weather, drought, winter...
The wood is constantly mistreated according to the seasons and the weather.
Even if you have treated it well, it is particularly sensitive to variations in temperature and humidity.
As a result, its color dulls, foam appears and so on...
But fortunately, with a little maintenance, we manage to give it back all its nobility.
The secret?
Carry out at least 2 washes a year:
The 1st washing should be done after autumn (basically after heavy rains), and the second after winter.
The technique is simple.
Take your push broom and scrub with a solution of water, Marseille soap or dishwashing liquid.
Thanks to this method, the terrace is more resistant to temperature variations in both winter and summer.
Finally, 3 important little tips when washing your terrace.
Always rub the wood in the direction of the grooves.
Do not use a push broom with too hard bristles, it can scratch the wood.
Rinse well with clear water.
Whether your deck is concrete or engineered stone, the washing method is the same.
The cleaning products are also the same as for a natural stone terrace.
If it is not too dirty, water combined with baking soda is enough.
If it is very dirty, water and soda crystals are necessary.
A good rinse with cold water is essential on this type of soil.
Without this, the products used continue to be active and the chemical reactions to take place.
There you go, you now know how to ecologically clean any type of terrace that is blackened or has turned a little green due to moss :-)
Easy, practical and effective, isn't it?
You will be able to enjoy a superb terrace at home or even in your apartment.
And know that it also works on materials such as composite, granite, resin, slate, teak, cement slabs...