Want to grow your fruits and vegetables at home?
But you're running out of space?
It's true that at first glance, it's not easy to have a vegetable garden in an apartment or in a small courtyard.
Well, think again, a simple balcony is enough!
Today I show you how to grow fruits and vegetables without having a big garden.
It's called container gardening and it's really nothing complicated.
With 20L pots (or plant bags), peat moss, potting soil and compost, you can grow anything!
So, ready to eat healthy by growing your own citrus fruits?
Discover 25 fruits and vegetables to grow in pots. Watch:
Container gardening has only advantages!
First and you will have understood it, it allows people with limited space to be able to cultivate.
But in addition, it has many benefits compared to traditional gardening.
Thanks to this technique, a greater variety of plants are grown.
But above all, it allows you to avoid weeding and to have fewer pests to fight.
Before you start growing in containers, ask yourself what you want to grow.
For beginners, it is better to start with simple plant cultures.
It builds confidence and allows you to practice before moving on to more difficult plants.
To help you in this choice, I have listed the 25 fruits and vegetables to grow in pots.
And what's more, I've grouped them by difficulty.
Arugula is a member of the mustard family that can be grown as a salad green.
Its refined, slightly bitter taste makes it the favorite plant of many gardeners.
It is indeed very easy to grow in a pot, because it is a plant with shallow roots.
You can start planting arugula in early spring or late summer.
Its harvest is done about 40 days after the first sowing.
You just have to remember to water it very frequently so that it doesn't dry out.
Finally, prefer to harvest the young shoots which are less acidic.
Chards are green leaves, from the same family as beets, which are harvested from spring to autumn.
Its growth is similar to that of lettuce, although slightly longer.
It is resistant to cold and, conversely, can wilt if the summer is too hot.
Chard seeds are best done in pots 40 cm deep and wide.
Add soil, special vegetable soil and 2 or 3 handfuls of compost.
Water frequently, especially in summer, and mulch the surroundings (with gravel, sand, etc.).
Bok Choi or Sui Choi are pretty fun plants to see.
Above all, they are easy to grow and excellent in the kitchen.
Their culture is very simple , so no need to take the cabbage (ah, ah, ah ...).
At the bottom of a pot, put some gravel (to facilitate drainage).
Add good soil, some cabbage seeds, cover with soil and water regularly.
Make these plantings in early spring or late fall.
Any brassica (cabbage family) can be grown in a container.
But kale is arguably the easiest to grow.
Why ? Because it doesn't need to produce anything other than beautiful fresh leaves.
It is grown throughout the year and is able to grow in difficult conditions.
It is cold resistant and can survive temperatures down to minus 6 degrees.
Frost can even make its leaves sweeter and tender!
Choose to grow kale in a sunny spot with no exposure for more than 6 hours.
Use a good quality potting soil and seed after the last periods of frost.
Rich in many varieties, lettuce is one of the easiest salads to grow in a container.
Simply scatter a few seeds 2cm apart on smooth, moist, nutrient-rich potting soil.
Be careful, however, not to push the seeds in too much (they need light to germinate).
Note that seeding can be done even if there is still a risk of frost.
Regarding the harvest, it is done at the beginning of spring and at the end of autumn.
It can even last until the beginning of winter if you bring the pots home.
Regarding its exposure, a full daily sun is preferable, but lettuce will get by with less.
As a shallow-rooted plant, peppers grow very well in pots.
The 20-litre ones do the trick perfectly.
Peppers come in many shapes, sizes, and flavors, giving you plenty to choose from.
But regardless of the variety, allow one pepper plant per pot.
Mix equal parts potting soil, perlite, compost and peat moss in the pot.
Once all risk of frost has passed, put the pots outside with a minimum temperature of 18 degrees.
And yes, bell peppers are heat-loving vegetables.
Water daily, including right after planting.
Beets are similar to Swiss chard, although they need deeper soil and more water.
A 25 cm deep pot is therefore recommended so that the roots have room to develop.
Once you know that, beets are still a great root crop to grow in containers.
Put soil with high nutritional value (preferably organic).
Do not clog the soil with small pebbles or the like, as this can lead to deformation of the roots.
Plant the seeds 1cm deep and plan to provide them with at least 8 hours of direct light per day.
Water at least every 2 days and keep the soil moist, without waterlogging it.
50-60 days after that, get ready for some great beets.
Because of its size and weight, broccoli needs a certain size pot to grow well.
A 10L pot is a minimum for the roots of a single plant to develop properly.
Broccoli also needs a nutrient-rich, well-aerated soil with good drainage properties.
The need for direct light is somewhat less than many other similar plants.
However, it needs 8 hours of sunshine to feel good.
Watering every 2 days is also necessary.
Finally, 2 varieties of broccoli are particularly recommended when it comes to growing them in pots:
De cicco and green broccoli.
Carrots are quite simple to grow in a pot.
Just choose varieties that are small enough that don't produce roots that are too long.
The Little Finger, the Paris Market, the Tendersweet, for example, are perfect.
They grow easily in pots 30 cm deep.
Note that the old varieties are also often sweeter and smaller than the standard varieties.
By the way, if you want to grow original carrots, try the Dragon variety.
They are orange on the inside and purple on the outside!
Regarding the ideal time to plant the seeds, you can do it during a cold period, but without frost.
Early spring is perfect.
Plant the seeds about 1.5 cm deep and water thoroughly without forming puddles.
Finally, put the pot all day in the sun.
Click here to find out how to store them longer.
Figs are one of the few plants that grow best in a container.
Indeed, the fruits are better and bigger when the roots of the plant are in a small space.
Figs are also known to be quite hardy plants and fairly simple to grow.
After planting the seeds in the pot, water well and add a layer of mulch.
Then put the fig tree in a sunny spot throughout the day.
Just make sure the soil doesn't dry out too much.
Bring it inside at night.
The onion, this essential culinary complement that enhances our dishes, is rather simple to grow in a pot.
The only difficulty is getting enough of it.
Because a classic 20L container only offers 3 or 4 onions.
It is therefore necessary to equip yourself with several large enough pots if you want to grow more onions.
Containers 25 cm deep and above all quite wide (about 1 m) are therefore recommended.
It is also essential to place the onions in a place that has 6 to 7 hours of light.
If you are in an apartment without a sufficiently sunny location, there is a solution.
You can bring the need for light by placing fluorescent bulbs near the onions.
Finally, regular watering is very important when it comes to growing onions in pots.
The need is 5 to 7.5 cm of water per week and a little more in case of drought.
In any case, monitor the soil of the onions every day. If it feels dry to the touch, it needs to be watered!
23 days.
This is the exact time it takes for some radish varieties to grow from a small seed to a mature root!
This is particularly the case with Cherry Belle or French Breakfast.
Isn't that great? Well, you still have to take care of it a bit by following these tips.
As the radishes are quite small, a pot 15 to 20 cm deep is more than enough.
They aren't too picky when it comes to potting soil either.
A well-composted organic compound does just fine.
Radishes don't like the hot summer sun too much.
For this reason, grow them during cooler spring or fall temperatures.
It's much more productive.
Water the soil without saturating the soil; excess water can rot the roots.
Watering every 2 days is suitable for radishes.
Beans grow very well in pots, especially the bush bean variety.
All you need is a 30 cm deep pot, sun and daily watering.
You just have to think about putting trellises or vine stakes before sowing the seeds. Why?
Because beans are climbing plants; it is therefore necessary to limit their development before being invaded!
With this technique, you are sure to have beautiful beans.
Not much space to grow your cucumbers?
No problem, these fruits (and yes they are fruits!) grow perfectly well in 20 liter pots.
All you need is good compost, a bit of peat moss, and above all plenty of watering.
Don't forget to place a trellis to support the development of the cucumbers.
Place the pot in a sunny spot to see the seeds germinate in 3-4 days.
Pick cucumbers as soon as they are ripe, usually 55-65 days after sowing.
Finally, don't forget that cucumber water is super good for your health!
Choosing the right container size is one of the keys to growing eggplant in containers.
A pot with a minimum capacity of 20 L is necessary to support the roots of such a heavy plant.
Then, the best medium for growing eggplant in pots is to mix quality potting soil with sand.
This ensures nutrient supply while allowing excess moisture to be retained and drained.
Add natural fertilizer, place the pot in full sun and water daily.
This is enough to get great eggplants.
Peas can be grown in pots.
The variety of dwarf peas does the job perfectly.
Just keep in mind that peas grown in containers require more water than those grown in a garden.
2 to 3 more waterings per day may be necessary in case of hot weather.
Other than that, peas aren't picky.
They do not need to grow in pots of large sizes (a width of 30 cm is sufficient).
They also don't particularly need daily care.
Good soil and plenty of water are enough to grow them well.
Almost all varieties of zucchini can be grown in pots.
Some varieties nevertheless spread over more than 1 m, we advise you to take so-called non-runner squash.
The Ronde de Nice, for example, is well suited to growing in pots.
The zucchini nevertheless remains quite greedy and voluminous.
A 50 cm deep pot is necessary for the proper development of its roots.
Leaf pruning can also be done from time to time.
Otherwise, the mixture for a good growth remains classic.
A rich, well-drained soil, daily watering and of course sunshine.
Growing tomatoes in pots is very common.
But if your garden corner is very limited, you can start by growing cherry tomatoes.
It also allows you to practice your hand.
That said, regardless of the variety chosen, the size of the pot is important.
A height of 30 cm is the recommended minimum.
As for the culture itself, nothing too complicated.
First make a 5 cm drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.
Then fill 2/3 of the pot with soil from the garden (or potting soil if you don't have any).
Finally, plant the seedlings deeply.
All you have to do is water and check regularly that the soil is always wet (without being soggy).
Check out the trick here.
It is quite possible to grow beautiful blueberries in a pot.
Varieties such as Tophat or Sunshine Dwarf are also quite suitable.
However, this plant is known to be a bit difficult to grow.
Blueberries do require a lot of water, lots of sun and acidic soil.
But if you give them these 3 things, it is quite possible to get good blueberries in quantity.
The keys to success are therefore the following.
- Have an acid soil with a pH content between 4.5 and 5.5.
- Grow the plants in full sun (this considerably increases the volume of fruit obtained).
- Water copiously every day in a pot of at least 20L
What ? Is it possible to grow cherries in pots?!
You may not believe it, but know that it is nevertheless quite possible.
You just have to respect a few important conditions.
First, you need a sufficiently large and deep pot.
A 55L pot with a minimum width of 1.5m is required.
This allows the roots to have enough space to grow.
Considering the size and weight of this type of pot, perhaps consider placing it on wheels.
Moving it around is much easier.
Then, partially fill the container with potting soil or a mixture of sand, peat and perlite.
Add soil to fill the rest of the pot and place the shrub on top of the pile.
Mulch all around the shrub and water regularly.
Finally, the addition of an organic fertilizer rich in nitrogen gives a real boost to the cultivation of the cherry tree.
The lemon deserves to be known, and not only on its culinary aspects.
It can be used for everything in many situations.
The good news in knowing this, is that you can grow it yourself at home.
So no need to buy a yellow bottle with the green plastic cap.
These types of juices are not natural at all if you know what I mean.
Instead, opt for growing lemons in pots.
Dwarf varieties like the Meyer or variegated rose are quite suitable.
Choose a shrub to start your crop rather than seeds.
Indeed, it takes several years for a citrus fruit to ripen from seed.
Mix 3/4 of a 20 L pot of rich potting soil and cactus soil.
The correct dosage is 2/3 potting soil with 1/3 cactus soil.
Take your lemon tree and place it on top of the soil mixture.
Add soil to cover the roots without putting it around the base of the trunk.
Gently tamp the soil with your fingertips to eliminate air pockets and water your lemon tree for the first time.
Then, as soon as the first 5 cm of soil begin to dry, give it a drink.
In hot weather, daily watering may be necessary. Check out the easy tutorial here.
Melons are large fruits with equally large root systems.
Growing them in pots can therefore sometimes be a challenge.
But with the right method, it is quite possible to grow many varieties.
Small melons such as Cantaloupes are perfect for beginners.
Take a pot of at least 20L and fill it with equal parts potting soil and garden soil.
Plant 2 or 3 seeds 1 cm deep, pointing down .
It is indeed from this side that the roots come out.
Water with a spray bottle and place the pots outside or near a window if you live in an apartment.
Make sure to always keep the soil moist with regular watering.
Finally, when the seedlings are at the stage of 3 true leaves, cut off 2 of the less developed ones.
To grow good potatoes outside a garden, there are 2 solutions.
- For growing in pots.
We take a 10L pot with drainage holes.
We put small stones at the bottom and fill it with 1/3 of potting soil.
You can then lay 1 potato, roots down.
We put between 5 to 7 cm of compost on top and then put everything in the sun.
Make sure the pot gets 6-7 hours of sunlight a day.
Do not forget to add soil as soon as the plant exceeds 15 cm above the ground.
Once you see the leaves turn yellow, you can harvest them!
Note that there is an even simpler solution when growing potatoes in pots.
Discover the trick here (point N°19).
- 2nd solution:we take a bag of potato cultivation.
These bags have the advantage of being able to grow a good quantity of potatoes in a very small space.
And you know what ? When we talk about bags, we can even take trash bags!
We just make a few holes in the bottom so that the water can flow out.
We fill with compost about fifteen cm and we put 3 potatoes.
All you have to do is cover with 5 cm of soil and water.
You just have to accompany the growth of the tubers by adding soil as you go.
To harvest them, split the bag on the side and collect the potatoes.
You see, with these 2 methods, we obtain harvests of homemade potatoes in abundance.
In addition, no need to take seed potatoes to start your culture.
If you have potatoes that have started to sprout, you can just use them.
You should know that raspberries exist in summer and autumn varieties.
Something rather nice, because it allows you to enjoy harvests for several months of the year.
Summer raspberries, however, are better suited to growing in pots.
They are smaller and their foliage is less dense, which facilitates their cultivation.
They are also called non-remontant raspberries.
For good rooting, planting a potted raspberry should be done from fall to winter.
A pot of 35 cm in diameter and depth is necessary for the proper development of the plant.
The rest to know is quite classic.
Put a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot for good drainage.
Fill the container with rich potting soil, garden soil if possible and household compost.
At this point, plant the raspberry plant in the center and tamp the soil all around with your finger.
Water abundantly and mulch around the base to maintain humidity.
Next, the raspberry needs light, but fears the scorching effects of the sun.
Expose the pot on the west side on a terrace or balcony and water once a week.
Strawberries are undoubtedly the most contaminated fruit in terms of pesticides.
It is therefore a real good thing for your health to be able to grow them in pots.
However, not all varieties of strawberries are suitable for life in a pot.
Strawberry plants produce their fruit early in the season and then plenty of runners.
These runners will have nowhere to go if the plant is grown in a pot.
The following varieties are therefore to be preferred for growing in pots:
Ciflorette, Gariguette, Cigoulette or Nova Gento.
There you go, you now know how to grow your own potted vegetable and fruit crops.
Quick, easy and efficient, right?
Know that the technique of container gardening goes even much further.
You can grow many other citrus fruits or aromatic herbs there.
Mint, basil, tarragon, oregano, coriander or chives... the list goes on.