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What to do against ants? 5 Natural Grandma Tricks.

What to do against ants? 5 Natural Grandma Tricks.

Ants invading your home and patio?

And you don't know what to do to get rid of it?

Once they are installed, it is difficult to dislodge them!

So what can be done to repel them without using chemicals that are dangerous for family and animals?

Fortunately, here are 5 natural and effective grandma's tips to keep ants away permanently . Watch:

What to do against ants? 5 Natural Grandma Tricks.

  • 1. Cayenne pepper
  • 2. Coffee grounds
  • 3. Chalk
  • 4. Bicarbonate
  • 5. Baking powder
  • Additional tips

1. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper smells very strong, in addition to being strong in taste. Ants hate this smell. To keep them away from strategic places, sprinkle chili pepper on their usual passage, doorsteps or windows. Renew this natural repellent every week.

2. Coffee grounds

Don't throw away your coffee grounds! But keep it and put it in cups. Then arrange these cups along the path of the ants and near their anthill. As they hate this smell, they will move quickly. Check out the trick here.

3. Chalk

Did you know that chalk was already used by the Romans to repel ants? We find mention of it in several ancient works devoted to agriculture. Simply draw a thick line of white chalk, pressing well, where you want the ants not to pass. As they hate chalk, they will not cross this natural boundary.

4. Bicarbonate

Sprinkle all the places through which the ants pass with baking soda. The majority of ants can't stand baking soda, so they won't go that way anymore. No more ants in the house! Check out the trick here.

5. Baking powder

Here same method as with bicarbonate. Just sprinkle baking powder on the passage of ants to scare them away from the house.

Additional advice

- Close your trash can tightly each time you throw something in it, as ants are attracted to the smell of trash. The best thing is to have a bin that closes well after each use like this.

- Do not leave food on the table, it attracts ants. Wrap everything with cling film like this.

- Remember to plug the cracks and holes where ants usually come to lodge in both summer and winter.